Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Pickled Beets

My mom makes THE best pickled beets. So she came over to my house after work one day and taught Kimmy and I how to make them. Kinsey and Kamry liked helping out too. We did 25lbs and Kimmy and I split that. Then my dad came home with 25lbs more and asked us to do them for him too. Pickled beets are loved in my family. So the next morning Kimmy and I did the other 25lbs for Dad. My house smelled terrible for a few days. It was a lovely mixture of beets, vinegar, and paint (as I painted my hallway earlier that day too).
Kimmy said she opened one of her jars and the top ones weren't quite pickled yet. So I haven't tried them. Pretty soon I hope.

1 comment:

Skye said...

YUM!! I LOVE pickled beets! I've never done them myself though. Great job!!!