Monday, August 13, 2007

My Cousin's Wedding

On Friday I went to my cousin Kyle's wedding. Kyle and Melissa were sealed in the Cardston Alberta Temple. Saturday they had a garden reception back in BC. The rain held out and it was beautiful. The reception was in Melissa's grandparent's backyard. The setting and the decorations were amazing! Here are a few pictures (click on them to enlarge):
Aug10-11 07_Kyle Anderson's Wedding (2)
Aug10-11 07_Kyle Anderson's Wedding (5)
Aug10-11 07_Kyle Anderson's Wedding (14)


moosh in indy. said...

SO, now that you're knocked up does this even make you the LEAST BIT NAUSEOUS?

Tim and Ashlee said...

Well nauseous is a 24/7 thing in my house these days, but I'm just not sure it's related to newlyweds. But then there's crying at commercials, tv sitcoms, and weddings. I'm SO BLAMING the tears on being knocked up cuz I'm not an emotional person normally. I didn't even cry at my own wedding.

Carrie said...

Ooh! I cried a lot my first trimester, this last time! I bawled at my sister-in-law's wedding! Lame!

Hey you- you're 12 weeks, i noticed! Feeling any better yet? If not, you're almost there! My doc said the end point for morning sickness is actually somewhere around week 16. I hope you're feeling better though! You're moving into your second trimester! How exciting!

Your cousin and his new bride look beautiful, by the way!