Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Six Months Already!

Why is time going so fast? Kinsey is 6 months old! I can't believe it. Wasn't it just yesterday that she was brand new? I guess not.

I took her for her 6 mth shots the other day. She did so well. She didn't even cry! She only fussed a little cuz I had her arm pinned down for the needle, but as soon as I let her arm go she was happy again. And while we were at the clinic I had her weighed.... 15lbs 10oz. Despite LOVING her cereal and other solid foods she's still a thin little girl. But she's healthy.

Kinsey and I had a pretty long week last week. She was fussy which isn't normal for her. I was blaming the fussiness and her first fever ever on her immunizations that she had earlier in the week. But I was wrong. Her first tooth popped through. Ahhh! I was hoping she wasn't going to have any for a while yet cuz.... she's a biter (if ya know what I mean). Yep, she got her first tooth at exactly 6 months old. I guess that explains why she started drooling.

Oh and she's been sitting by herself now for the last couple of weeks. She loves being on the floor surrounded by toys. She only tips over every once and a while when she has to reach too far for the stuff that I've purposely put out of her reach like my cell or the TV remote. Why are those two things her favorite?

I took her yesterday to get her 6 mth photos done and to get her passport photo. I love how her photos turned out. The photographer and I looked like fools trying to get her to do just the right smile. She only tipped over once and bonked her head. A few pictures had some pretty red eyes in them. But her passport one is so funny. I guess passport pictures aren't always the best, eh? Gosh, mine is terrible. At least she's still cute in hers. hehe Now I gotta get the papers all filled out so we can take her across the border.

Being a mom is the best job ever. I love the opportunity I have to be at home with Kinsey. She's such a joy. Both her daddy and I love her to pieces. Her little laugh (which is more of a big laugh like her daddy's) is way too cute. What an awesome sound! I'm so blessed! How did I get this lucky?

1 comment:

The Whiddens said...

Oh my gosh, how did your little newborn grow up so fast? Sitting up and teeth - those are huge. Those are great pictures of her - what a little doll :)
You'll have to keep us updated on the, um, "biting situation" with her new teeth. Ouch.