Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Along the Road

So it was a bit of a long drive from Fairmont back home so we made a few stops along the road. All those touristy things that we see all the time cuz we drive that road so much yet we've never stopped for a pic with Kinsey. And Kinsey & Blake loved being free from their carseats for a little run!
Stopped in Sparwood at the "World's Largest Truck". I used to work at the coal mines near Sparwood when I was 18 and I actually got to drive a truck similar to this. Ya, they let ME drive one!
Here's Kinsey hanging out in the big tire:
Daddy & Kinsey just chillin:
Our little buddies, Kinsey & Blake. (Check out her hand on his knee. Awe!)Then we stopped at Frank Slide for some pictures.We went for a walk in the big rocks and then had some lunch before heading home. Blake looks like he was forced to sit next to Kinsey in this pic. (He probably was forced. He loves to just run!)
Daddy & Kinsey in the rock slide!
The stops made the drive much more bearable. And I haven`t been to them in years. Now Kinsey wants to talk about the Big Truck and Big Rocks all the time.

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